Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ten Seconds to Love

The major idea in Klosterman's "Ten Seconds to Love" is that society has shaped what we think the present-day sexy woman should dress, act, and look like. In the beginning he refers to Pamela Anderson as basically being the bimbo of society but secretly every woman wishes they were her. On page 74 he states, "We've established this unrealistic image of what we want from the human race, but it angers people to see that image in real life. It sort of shows why most Americans hate themselves."
The major ideas in the reading "Porn" is the fact that the Internet was the bases of how pornography first became popular. Klosterman stated on page 112, "Porn sites are the window to the modern soul; they're glimpses into the twisted minds of a faceless society." This meant that porn, although taboo, is something everyone wants and dreams about.

When comparing these two readings you will see that Klosterman believes everything is based off of  how society perceives it. Society shapes what we think is attractive and not attractive, and society although, it's rarely talked about, goes crazy over porn and pornographic films, pictures, etc.

1 comment:

  1. The comparison you make in your last paragraph is very interesting, but needs some more explanation. More examples would really help there.
