Saturday, April 27, 2013

Harry Potter

Most people of my generation have watched at least one, if not all, of the Harry Potter movies. Harry Potter is much like Star Wars. Not only did the Harry Potter movies have midnight premieres, but the people who attended these movies dressed as Harry Potter or in wizardly-type clothing. People have become obsessed and Harry Potter, at one point, seemed to be taking over the entire population. The popular trends taken from Harry Potter are not only the costumes but some cultural trends have set throughout the years. In the movie, Harry wheres circular shaped glasses, which seem to be a popular trend among teenagers and young adults. Fake glasses are becoming very common and I think Harry's famous glasses have put this trend over the top.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! It has taken over popular culture just like Star Wars did in the 70's. I think the Harry Potter movies gave people an outlet in a way and that is why so many people have been drawn to the movies. I do own a fake pair of glasses. Haha! Harry definitely has inspired a lot of people to go out and get them.

  2. I agree with your points, there have been so many people that are so in to harry potter. It hs taken over, i especially like how you brought the fake glasses part into it because there are so many people that have and wear them.

  3. I agree with you that Harry Potter was a big thing and that people became obessed with it, dressing like him and even waiting hours in line for the books or the movies to come out. I would agree with the glasses because you see alot of the younger generations wearing them.
